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Idea & Paper Development Workshop in collaboration with GSJ & SEJ @ Rice University

  • 1.  Idea & Paper Development Workshop in collaboration with GSJ & SEJ @ Rice University

    Posted 12-09-2024 16:48
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    Rice University will host an Idea and Paper Development Workshop (IPDW) in collaboration with Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ) on May 14, 2025; in Houston, TX on the campus of Rice University.

    The purpose of the half-day workshop is to help participants finetune ideas and provide developmental feedback on full paper drafts focusing on contemporary issues in global strategy.

    The workshop is open to all scholars, but preference will be given to early-career academics and colleagues who have not yet published in GSJ and SEJ. Co-Editors and Associate Editors from each journal will provide detailed feedback to the authors in a roundtable discussion format. The workshop will also invite peer feedback from the other participants to offer a rich developmental experience to the authors.

    While we hope that many of the submitted papers will eventually be submitted to GSJ and SEJ respectively, the workshop aims to improve the quality of global strategy and entrepreneurship research by providing quality feedback and bringing new scholars into the field. Thus, opportunities for networking and discussing future collaboration will be an integral part of the workshop program.

    The workshop will start at 12:30pm on May 14 with a plenary session and will be organized with a mix of paper presentations and roundtable discussion sections. Full papers will be presented by participants and discussed by the editorial team members. Paper ideas from participants will be discussed in roundtables, with each roundtable led by an editorial team member. The workshop concludes at 5:00pm on May 14 with a closing reception to follow.


    Prospective participants are invited to submit either a two-page proposal of their paper idea or a full paper (max 10,000 words) by February 15, 2025. Each participant may submit only one idea proposal or a full manuscript. The cover page of the proposal/manuscript should include all authors' names, emails, and affiliations. In the email subject, please specify "Paper idea proposal" or "Full paper," depending on the submission type. In your email, please designate "GSJ submission" or "SEJ submission".  Idea proposals and manuscripts will be selected based on their fit with the journal and the quality of their submitted work. Please email your GSJ or SEJ submission to: stewart.r.miller@durham.ac.uk.

    Workshop 2025 Key Dates:

    • February 15, 2025. Deadline for paper idea and full paper submissions
    • April 1, 2025. Notification of acceptance to successful applicants
    • May 14, 2025. Idea and Paper Development workshop, Houston

    Attendance is free for authors of selected papers (one per paper and max 25 participants) and includes coffee, lunch break, and a closing reception on May 14. Participants must cover their own accommodation and organize their travel to and from Houston.

    -          Note. Following the IPDW, the Rice Business School will host its 13th Strategy Symposium on Emerging Markets on May 15-16, 2024. Workshop participants are all invited to attend this Strategy Symposium for free. For the Strategy Symposium's programs in the past years, please visit: https://business.rice.edu/strategysymposium. 

    -          Contact Haiyang (haiyang@rice.edu), Stewart (stewart.r.miller@durham.ac.uk),  Yong Li (yong.li@unlv.edu) or David (dsirmon@uw.edu) if you have any questions.

    David Sirmon
    University of Washington
    Seattle WA