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Fall Publications in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management

  • 1.  Fall Publications in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management

    Posted 18 days ago

    Apologies for cross-referencing

    The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management publishes peer-reviewed articles in a regularly updated library on all topics in business and management. Articles are published on a monthly basis, and can be updated as necessary thereafter. Subscribing institutions can access the full catalogue of articles, and there are select articles available outside of the paywall for all readers.

    The editorial team includes Jasmine Hu (Tsinghua), Mark Huselid (Northeastern), Donald Kuratko (Indiana), Michael Lounsbury (Alberta), Taco Reus (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Arjen van Witteloostuijn (Vrije). 

    The following articles were published this fall:

    1. Optimal Distinctiveness (Karl Taeuscher)
    2. The Work-Home Interface: An Integration of Perspectives (Lieke ten Brummelhuis)
    3. Behavioral Decision Making and Game Theory Methods (Georgios Christopoulos)
    4. Followership (Mary Uhl-Bien, Melissa Carsten, and Toby Newstead)
    5. Cultural Entrepreneurship: Four Domains of Inquiry (Jean-François Soublière and Christi Lockwood)
    6. Leader Humility and Its Effectiveness in Organizations (Thomas K. Kelemen, Michael J. Matthews, and Samuel H. Matthews)
    7. Generative AI and Business: A Review and Research Agenda (Jennifer Woolley)
    8. Morality and Leadership in Organizations (G. James Lemoine, Chad Hartnell, and Alex Effinger)
    9. Personality and Leadership: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda From a Dynamic Perspective (Wendong Li, Huanxi Zhang, and Yanglei Zheng)

    The complete library of more than 250 research publications can be found at: https://oxfordre.com/business/browse

    More information about ORE's Business and Management is available at


    To recommend that your institution subscribes to the ORE, follow this link. 


    Donald D. Bergh, Editor-in-Chief

    Donald Bergh
    University of Denver
    Denver CO