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Call for submissions: Cases on Migrant Entrepreneurship (Edward Elgar) – Submission Deadline for expressions of interests 1 April 2025

  • 1.  Call for submissions: Cases on Migrant Entrepreneurship (Edward Elgar) – Submission Deadline for expressions of interests 1 April 2025

    Posted 29 days ago
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    Maud van Merriënboer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    Michiel Verver, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


    Migrant entrepreneurship is widespread yet often undervalued. Migrant entrepreneurs play a crucial role in fostering economic and social development through job creation and innovation, and contribute to the diversity and resilience of markets and societies (Jones et al., 2018). Vice versa, entrepreneurial activity can have an important emancipatory role for migrants who seek a livelihood, meaningful work or social acceptance in their adopted societies (Villares-Varela & Essers, 2019).

    Entrepreneurship can be a promising pathway for migrants to engage with the labour market, both as a result of push factors, such as discrimination and other disadvantages in the labour market, as well as pull factors, such as diverse entrepreneurial resources springing from their embeddedness in home and host country networks (Kloosterman & Rath, 2001; Verver et al., 2020). However, they also face distinct challenges in their entrepreneurial journeys as they often lack knowledge on local regulatory frameworks, have difficulties accessing consumer markets beyond their own ethnic group, experience language barriers, and need to navigate cultural differences (Lassalle& Scott, 2018; Elo et al., 2024)

    Trajectories of migration, settling, and venturing into business are idiosyncratic, and migrant entrepreneurship thus takes many forms. Migrant entrepreneurship research has gone beyond the study of traditional ethnic business enclaves or ethnic economies and covers different manifestations in different sectors ranging from corner stores to technology start-ups and from social enterprises to tourism (Vershinina & Rodgers, 2019). Further, individual dimensions such as entrepreneurial motivation, personality traits, and personal background of the entrepreneur (Duanet al., 2023) as well as societal dimensions such as regulatory frameworks and ethnic relations play a role in shaping the entrepreneurial experiences and outcomes of migrant businesses (Ram & Jones, 2016). Lastly, while the early literature mostly considered migrant entrepreneurship in metropolitan areas in the United States and Europe (e.g. Portes & Sensenbrenner, 1993), more recent studies reveal its unique manifestations across the globe (e.g. Bosiakoh, 2017; Cheuk, 2016).

    Case study criteria

    The overall objective of this case book is to compile a set of real-world teaching cases covering the topic of migrant entrepreneurship that can be used for pedagogical purposes. Together, we anticipate these cases will offer a rich and diverse array of entrepreneurial landscapes, providing teachers and students of entrepreneurship with deeper insights into the multifaceted nature of contemporary migrant entrepreneurship. Each case needs to be followed by teaching notes (including learning objectives and discussion points). Cases can adopt various formats (e.g. empirical, opinion pieces, policy-focused) and draw on a diverse range of disciplines (such as business studies, anthropology, sociology or social geography). Each case will range from 2,000 to 5,000 words.

    Deadline and submission details

    We invite potential contributors to submit an expression of interest (EOI) outlining the tentative topic, author team, and case description (around 300 words). The acceptance of the EOI will be on a rolling basis and we appreciate it if you send your EOIs before 1 April 2025.

    If your EOI is accepted, authors will be required to submit their cases and teaching notes by 1 September 2025. We will also provide more information on the case study format and structure of the teaching notes.  

    Kindly send the EOI to m.van.merrienboer@vu.nl and m.j.verver@vu.nl. Please feel free to contact Maud van Merriënboer or Michiel Verver for further information or to discuss potential case study ideas. 

    Maud Van Merrienboer
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam