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Call for Proposals: HK PolyU Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • 1.  Call for Proposals: HK PolyU Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Posted 21 days ago

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    Call for Proposals: Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Theme: "Where is Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Heading?"

    April 8-9, 2025

    Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    To promote research on entrepreneurship and innovation, the Department of Management and Marketing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University will host a Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Hong Kong on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 8-9, 2025.

    The theme of this workshop is "Where is Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Heading?" The two-day workshop will include keynote sessions focused on the grand challenges to and emerging trends of research on entrepreneurship and innovation, panel presentations of well-developed research articles, editors' forum, and an engaging meeting with local entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

    Confirmed keynote speakers and journal editors include David B. Audretsch (Indiana University, Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics), Peter G. Klein (Baylor University, Co-editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal), and Siri A. Terjesen (FAU, Associate Editor of Academy of Management Perspective).

    Prospective participants are invited to submit their research proposals (extended abstracts) to Cindy Gao (ming-cindy.gao@polyu.edu.hk) with the subject "PolyU Workshop Proposal" by February 15, 2025. Each participant may submit only one proposal to the workshop. 

    Please include in a single PDF file (1) a cover letter with all authors' names, e-mails, and affiliations, as well as the status of the research paper (we accept only completed and unpublished manuscripts); and (2) the research proposal (extended abstract only, including research question, intended contribution, and the preliminary findings, etc. No more than 4 pages, double-spaced, excluding tables, figures, and references). Due to a limited number of slots available, applying for the workshop does not guarantee acceptance.

    Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by February 25, 2025. More details about the registration and local arrangements will be provided in the acceptance letter. The workshop will be free for participants with accepted research proposals. Coffee, pastries, and lunches will be included as part of the registration. Registered participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and costs. For questions about the event, please contact Cindy Gao (ming-cindy.gao@polyu.edu.hk).

    About the host. The Faculty of Business of PolyU, popularly known as PolyU Business School (PBS), is a world-class business school that offers high-quality academic programs and leads cutting-edge research in business and related disciplines. This workshop is organized and funded by the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Members of the organizing committee include Hang Jun Cho, Nicolai J. Foss (Co-chair), Qinyu Ryan Wang, Xueyong Zhan (Co-chair), and Qi (Thomas) Zhu.

    Xueyong Zhan
    Associate Professor
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Hung Hom