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Call for Papers (Sept 30 deadline) JMS special issue on State Capitalism and Firms

  • 1.  Call for Papers (Sept 30 deadline) JMS special issue on State Capitalism and Firms

    Posted 24 days ago
    Dear friends and colleagues,
    We have an open call for papers for a special issue on State Capitalism and Firms at Journal of Management Studies with a Sept 30 deadline. You can find more information at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/assets/14676486/JMS%20Call%20for%20Papers%20Governing%20for%20Sustainability-1686731353597.pdf
    We look forward to receiving your papers!
    Warm wishes,
    Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University, USA
    Anna Grosman, Loughborough University London, UK
    Ilya Okhmatovskiy, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
    Gerhard Schnyder, Loughborough University London, UK
    Geoffrey Wood, Western University, Canada

    CEM Professor of Global Sustainability and Professor of International Business and Strategy
    Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business
    360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, 02115, USA