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Call for paper abstracts: EAEPE Conference Entrepreneurship Research Area, Athens (Deadline: 15 February)

  • 1.  Call for paper abstracts: EAEPE Conference Entrepreneurship Research Area, Athens (Deadline: 15 February)

    Posted 01-08-2025 15:06

    Call for Paper Abstract Submissions to

    The 37th Annual Conference of the

    European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) on

    "The Janus face of AI. Opportunities and threats"

    24-26 September 2025, Athens, Greece

    EAEPE Research Area E[2]

     on "Entrepreneurship: Behavioural, Organisational and Systemic Approaches"

                                 Abstract submission deadline 15 February 2025

    Abstract length: 300-750 words



    Dear Colleagues,

    We are pleased to invite you to contribute to Entrepreneurship
     E[2] Research Area  of EAEPE 2025 Conference (http://eaepe.org).

    Abstracts of 300-750 words to be submitted to Conference website.
    Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of The Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE).

    The call for conference papers is as below. Please let us know if you have any questions if you are interested in.

    Esin Yoruk, Coventry University, UK, esin.yoruk@coventry.ac.uk

    Aimilia Protegerou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, protoger@chemeng.ntua.gr

    Call for Papers

    The Entrepreneurship: Behavioural, Organisational and Systemic Approaches research area of EAEPE is pleased to announce its call for papers to the 37th Annual Conference in Athens, Greece. This research area aims to provide a forum for presenting theoretical and empirical approaches, as well as addressing important issues related to the nature, processes, and outcomes of entrepreneurship, acknowledging the significance of individual actions, organizational dynamics, and the broader systems that influence entrepreneurial environments.

    For this year's conference, in addition to its general research themes E[2] Research Area particularly welcomes theoretical, empirical, and policy-oriented  submissions exploring the interplay between emerging technologies and entrepreneurial activity. The rapid advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced manufacturing have transformed industries, creating unprecedented opportunities, introducing new challenges and redefining traditional business models. However, the ways in which these technologies co-evolve with entrepreneurial activity vary significantly across countries and regions, influenced by socioeconomic conditions, policy frameworks, and innovation ecosystems.

    In that vein, the Research Area coordinators would suggest several basic guiding questions for papers. However, potential contributors should not feel limited to these suggestions:

    o   Emerging technologies act as both enablers and disruptors in entrepreneurial activity, opening new opportunities while demanding agility and adaptability:

    ·        What is the role of artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, and other emerging technologies in shaping entrepreneurial processes (e.g., opportunity recognition and exploitation, business model innovation, market entry strategies)?

    ·        How do entrepreneurs leverage emerging technologies to address global challenges (e.g., climate change, health crises, resource scarcity)?

    ·        What is the impact of technological advancements on traditional industries and the emergence of new market niches?

    ·        What are the ways to develop resilience towards the threats that emerging technologies pose for businesses?

    ·        How can equality, diversity and inclusion be ensured and sustained in the business ecosystems for societal welfare when entrepreneurial activities are driven by transformative technological shifts?

    o   The co-evolution of technology and entrepreneurship is a dynamic and reciprocal process that can promote innovation, economic growth, and societal transformation:

    ·        What factors (e.g., technological, entrepreneurial, market, institutional, social and cultural) drive the co-evolution of emerging technologies and entrepreneurship?

    ·        What are the bidirectional influences between startups and technological ecosystems, and how can these be measured?

    ·        What lessons can be drawn from comparative case studies of technology-driven entrepreneurship across industries and regions?

    ·        What theoretical frameworks best explain the interplay between emerging technologies and entrepreneurship over time for socio-economic wellbeing?

    o   The co-evolution of emerging technologies and entrepreneurial activities varies significantly across regions and countries due to differences in resources, policies, cultures, and market dynamics:

    ·        How do economic development levels shape the adoption of emerging technologies by entrepreneurial ventures?

    ·        What role do innovation policies play in driving regional differences in the co-evolution of technology and entrepreneurship?

    ·        How do global partnerships and technology transfer initiatives enhance co-evolution in emerging markets?

    ·        What strategies are most effective in fostering inclusive innovation systems in regions with limited resources?

    ·        How do regulatory frameworks enable or inhibit technology-driven entrepreneurship in different countries?

    Esin Yoruk
    Associate Professor
    Coventry University