//Apologies for cross-posting//
#14660 Professional Development Workshop
Friday August 9th 2024, 3pm – 5pm
Sheraton Grand Chicago: Ohio.
Are you a scholar studying cognition within the context of entrepreneurship? Are you looking for inspiration from recent research trends in the area? And are you looking for ways to connect with other researchers with similar interests? The Entrepreneurial Cognition PDW returns for a fifth and final consecutive year. The PDW is conducted in two parts - first a series of Pecha Kucha-style paper presentations followed by a best paper award ceremony, and then a moderated panel discussion with senior scholars and editors. Everything is followed by a reception.
Part 1 (60 min.)
Pecha Kucha Presentations by shortlisted candidates for the
Kauffman Best Paper Awards in Entrepreneurial Cognition
Out of many submissions, an award committee has shortlisted 10 papers for short presentations. The concept of a Pecha Kucha refers to an innovative and fast-paced presentation format commonly used to surface and showcase new ideas. Half of the presentations are student-led papers, half are faculty-led. During the PDW, each participant will present for 5 minutes with 10 slides, timed to automatically switch between slides after 30 seconds. After a short Q&A and deliberation, this part of the PDW will conclude with closing remarks, as well as awards of $1000 each for the best student-led and faculty-led papers.
The student-led presentations are (in random order):
A Tale of Two Cultures – Disentangling Negative Social Evaluation Through Entrepreneurs' Sensemaking of Failure Culture
Adwoa Twumwaa Ansah (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management) & Miriam Muethel
Ah, You're one of Those Entrepreneurs: Investor Typecasting and Venture Evaluations
Jonathan Preedom (Clemson University)
I Am a Newcomer: Exploring the Micro-Process of Nascent Entrepreneurs Forming Entrepreneurial Team
Mohammad Hawily (University of Bologna), Leonardo Corbo, Marco Corsino, Paola Giuri
Suits and Lab Coats: Processes of Sanctification and its Impact on Cross-Occupational Coordination in Deep Tech Ventures
Noah Benjamin-Pollak (Stanford University) & Arvind Karunakaran
Farm to Fork: Audience Concerns and Cognitive Evaluations of Categorical Combinations among Sustainable Startups
Sonal Nayak (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) & Vijay Venkataraman
The faculty-led presentations are (in random order):
Stakeholder Engagement and the Entrepreneurial Process: the Roles of Metacognition, Cognitive Frames, and Debiasing in Shaping Joint Value Creation
Bob Bastian (University of Trento) & Nicolai J. Foss
Commitment and Learning in Ventures' Pursuit of Product-market Fit in Digital Health
Douglas Hannah (Boston University) & Shi-Ying Lim
Mind your context: a temporal and socially situated regulation of entrepreneurial fear of failure
Gabriella Cacciotti (Baylor University), G. Li, C. & Liu, J
Executive Function and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: a Multidimensional Approach
Ipek Koparan (Bentley University), Gorkem Aksaray, Tatiana Manolova & Linda Edelman
The Impact of Entrepreneur's Time Perspective on Insomnia and Psychological Capital
Ludvig Levasseur (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore), Karami, M.,Kalubandi, S., Pareek, B., & Sanaria, A
Part 2 (60 min.)
Presentations by invited scholars in the field (10 minutes each)
followed by a panel discussion and Q&A
Panel Symposium
Denis Grégoire (moderating panelist)
HEC Montréal
Rhonda Reger (panelist)
University of North Texas
Katharina Hölzle (panelist)
University of Stuttgart
Erkko Autio (panelist)
Imperial College London
The session (# 21681) concludes with the MOC Entrepreneurial Cognition Social Event reception, taking place in Sheraton Grand Chicago: Michigan B, between 5:00pm – 6:00pm. All participants are invited for a drink.
Raja Singaram (co-organizer)
University of Galway
Ash Ganzoury (co-organizer)
University of Colorado Boulder
Sergei Mozheiko (co-organizer)
Roskilde University
Sergio Grove (co-organizer)
The University of Texas at El Paso
Kristian J. Sund (co-organizer, MOC Rep at large), sund@ruc.dk
Roskilde University
Raja Singaram
Assistant Professor
University of Galway