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AIS SIG DITE PhD Research Seminar Spring 2025 - Applications open until 31 January 2025

  • 1.  AIS SIG DITE PhD Research Seminar Spring 2025 - Applications open until 31 January 2025

    Posted 25 days ago

    We invite all PhD students around the world with an interest in DITE research and theory to apply for participation in the 


    2025 AIS SIGDITE PhD Research Seminar on Digital Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship


    Course Coordinators: Professor Youngjin Yoo & Professor Jan Recker



    Every Monday 9.30 – 12:00pm EST, between February 10 and April 14, 2024. Total duration: Ten sessions a 2.5 hours plus preparation and paper development. The seminar will be held online via Zoom. Attendance of all sessions is required.



    This doctoral seminar on digital innovation, transformation, and entrepreneurship is designed to help doctoral students:

    -       become familiar with the main research streams and contributing scholars in digital innovation, transformation, and entrepreneurship;

    -       develop a personal perspective on these topics; and

    -       explore their relationship to other intellectual streams in management disciplines such, as information systems, operations, marketing, strategy and entrepreneurship. 

    In addition to covering a substantial part of the digital innovation, transformation, and entrepreneurship research literature, the seminar also covers relevant foundations of the broader social, management, strategy, and economic literature on innovation, transformation, entrepreneurship scholarship that will assist the participants in developing and writing a seminar paper.


    In preparation for each meeting, students need to review and synthesize the assigned readings. Each student should be prepared to deliver a short, provocative "conversation starter" that integrates the readings and shares their personal insights. In addition to a critical and/or appreciative review of existing work, the seminar emphasizes constructive discussions aiming toward designing state of the art research studies that build on and extend the related current body of knowledge. Conversations should aim to start a lively discussion. You should raise interesting questions, take sides, and spark a debate. It is also an opportunity to formulate new insights and rudimentary ideas.



    The following topics will be covered. Note that sessions, topics, and faculty can change at short notice.



    Intro to Digital Innovation

    Youngjin Yoo
    Case Western Reserve University

    Digital Entrepreneurship

    Jan Recker
    University of Hamburg

    Institutions and Digital Technology

    Nick Berente
    University of Notre Dame

    Product development and digital innovation

    Harris Kyriakou
    ESSEC Business School

    AI @ work

    Marleen Huysman
    VU Amsterdam

    Web 3.0 technologies and digital innovation

    Ola Henfridsson
    University of Miami

    Digital Transformation

    Lauri Wessel
    European School of Digital Studies 

    Open innovation

    Hila Lifshitz-Assaf
    Warwick Business School

    The digital phenomena

    Abayomi Baiyere

    Paper Development Workshop and Reflections

    Youngjin Yoo and Jan Recker



    1.     Class preparation and participation in conversation (individual, oral, 30%, assessment during the course)

    2.     Critical review of readings on digital innovation, transformation, entrepreneurship (individual, oral, 20%, assessment during the course)

    3.     Submission of seminar paper of at least seven pages [Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced] (individual, written, 50%, submission after the course)


    Class size is limited. To register your interest, please fill out the form below. You will need to include a short recommendation letter from your advisor or supervisor to apply. The deadline for application is 31 January 2025.




    Julian Lehmnn

    Assistant Professor

    W.P. Carey School of Business

    Department of Information Systems
    Arizona State University