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AAOM Special Conference June 18-21, 2025, Bangkok, Thailand - Deadline approaching soon!

  • 1.  AAOM Special Conference June 18-21, 2025, Bangkok, Thailand - Deadline approaching soon!

    Posted 27 days ago

    The Asia Academy of Management Special Conference

    www.aaom.asia / mba.nida.ac.th

    June 18–21, 2025, Bangkok, Thailand



    Institutional Complexities and MANAGERIAL Responses

    Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025 (Bangkok Time)


    Program Co-Chairs:

    Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas

    Asda Chintakananda, NIDA Business School


    Local Host:

    NIDA Business School, Bangkok, Thailand


    Conference Venues:

    Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel / NIDA Business School

    Keynote Speaker:

    Yadong Luo, University of Miami


    Doctoral Consortium Chair:

    Jane Lu, City University of Hong Kong

    (Doctoral Consortium will be held on June 21, 2025)


    The Asia Academy of Management (AAOM)-the longest-running academic association of management that focuses on Asia-is launching its inaugural Special Conference, with an important and timely theme of "Institutional Complexities and Managerial Responses."


    Throughout Asia and beyond, institutional complexities are intensifying. Geopolitical competition is in rage. Forces of deglobalization are competing with those of globalization. Advances of technologies are penetrating more aspects of human life. Engines of economic growth are adjusting to the new normal. Overall, institutions as the rules of the game can no longer be viewed as static and invisible. Instead, a series of the rules of the game-ranging from national and international politics to technological standards and competition policies-are changing, and their complexities are increasing. Such institutional complexities are forcing managers and entrepreneurs to search for innovative responses throughout Asia and beyond.


    How do firms led by managers and entrepreneurs eager to grow respond to such heightened institutional complexities? This is the big question on which we are inviting contributors to focus. Examples of possible fields from which contributors may come include:

    • Entrepreneurship and innovation
    • Human resource management
    • International business and management
    • Leadership and organizational behavior
    • Operations management and supply chain
    • Organizational neuroscience and management
    • Strategic management
    • Other fields within management and organizations-broadly defined


    SUBMISSION: Please submit your papers/abstracts/panels to aaom2025@gmail.com.

    • Papers: Please follow the APJM/AMJ style guide (maximum: 40 pages all inclusive). In the subject line, please state: "PAPER: (first author last name)/(first few words of title)." On page 1, include all author details and abstract. All pages should be numbered consecutively. 
    • Abstracts: Please limit the length to 2-5 pages (all inclusive). In the subject line, please state: "ABSTRACT: (first author last name)/(first few words of title)."
    • Panels: Please have a minimum of three panelists. Each session is one hour. Please design the panel accordingly. In the subject line, please state: "PANEL: (first panelist last name)/(first few words of title)." By submission, all panelists have agreed to participate if the panel is accepted.



    Submission deadline

    January 31, 2025

    Author notification of acceptance

    March 1, 2025

    Registration deadline (early)

    April 15, 2025 (HK$2000/approx. US$250 for regular participants and HK$1000/approx. US$125 for students)

    Registration deadline (late)*

    May 1, 2025 (HK$2400/approx. US$300 for regular participants and HK$1200/approx. US$150 for students)


    June 18–21, 2025

    * One author of every submission must register by May 1, 2025. Failure to register by then will result in the removal of the paper/abstract from the conference program.



    Registration fee includes a one‐year AAOM membership and subscription of AAOM's two official journals: the Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) and Asian Case Research Journal (ACRJ). Please pay registration fee at https://aaom.asia/index.php/aaom-special-conference


    Doctoral CONSORTIUM (JUNE 21, 2025)

    Doctoral students are encouraged to join the Doctoral consortium. Interested students should submit their CV and express their interest in an email by February 28, 2025, to aaom2025@gmail.com. When submitting, please state "Doctoral Consortium" in the subject line.


    Journal of World Business Paper Development Workshop (June 21, 2025)

    A JWB paper development workshop will be led by Editor-in-Chief Ajai Gaur and other senior scholars on June 21, 2025. Interested authors can submit their Word file under two categories: full papers (maximum 10,000 words) and "idea" papers (2,000 words). Please submit to jwb@business.rutgers.edu by April 15, 2025.



    The five-star Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel (https://www.grandfourwings.com) has offered a special rate for AAOM Special Conference guests at THB 2600 (approximately US$80)/night for a single/twin room with breakfast (inclusive of service charge and taxes). Extra bed is THB 1200. Please reserve the hotel at https://aaom.asia/index.php/aaom-special-conference



    Asda Chintakananda, NIDA Business School, 148 Serithai Road, Bangkok 10240, THAILAND

    Tel: (662) 727-3963 / Email: aaom2025@gmail.com