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2025 Org Science Winter Conference Call for Submissions

  • 1.  2025 Org Science Winter Conference Call for Submissions

    Posted 15 days ago

    The formal call for papers is up for the OSWC 2025 in LA scheduled for Feb 10-12 at the wonderful Luskin Center at UCLA. The theme, consistent with this year's celebration of former EIC and conference co-founder Linda Argote, is on dynamic knowledge in organizations. We will continue last year's successful format of 110-120 attendees in a single track program, with panels, grouped presentations, and vibrant poster sessions, so we hope you submit something soon! Typically there is only room for those whose proposals are accepted, and we try to bring in a substantial number of new attendees each year. But you can also request to attend without submitting. So invitations to attend and registration/hotel info will be provided to successful submitters in early November. The conference will be preceded on the first morning by the doctoral consortium and workshop. Sponsorship from UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, and Washington University in St. Louis will keep registration fees at affordable levels.

    The deadline to submit is rather soon, October 20, so fortunately it's only a 3-5 page abstract. Check out the conference website, and submission links for panels, individual papers, and the doctoral consortium.

    Lamar Pierce
    Organization Science