Dear Fellow ENT Division Members,
I have a YouTube Channel, "Dr. D University", where I record my lectures on Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Business Ethics. I have close to 300 videos and I am uploading new videos everyday. Anyone is free to use my videos in their courses. Additionally, the comments section on each video is a great discussion board and ensures students are watching the lectures when courses are conducted asynchronously. I welcome suggestions on my channel and I am open to making additional videos on topics of interest.
R. Duncan M. Pelly, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Director of the Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Director of International Business Programs
McMurry University
R. Duncan Pelly
Mcmurtry University
Rancho Santa Fe CA
Original Message:
Sent: 03-29-2020 22:37
From: Louis Marino
Subject: Teaching Resources
The ENT Division is working diligently to help you transition your courses online. We are hosting a series of Webinars focused on this topic. The first two are posted in our files library on AOM Connect and in the new Teaching ENT Online Group that you can access under the Groups tab on AOM Connect. This page will be used to collect the resources that we share. To post to this page, just tag your post with #EntTeaching . The videos are also available on YouTube at :
Please use this page and this tag to share resources you find helpful.
Best Regards,
Lou Marino
Louis Marino
Chair, Department of Management
Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa AL
(205) 348-8946